//----------------------- samples-cleaned.csv //----------------------- contact: gilles.bailly@telecom-paristech.fr you can find the original paper here: http://www.gillesbailly.fr/publis/BAILLY_MenuModel.pdf //---------------------------- The useful columns are: - independent variables: user block trial length organization item for the conditions - dependent variables: mouse_x mouse_y gazepointx gazepointy fixationx fixationy as well as the column time //----------------------------- The experiment was conducted on a windows PC and a 20 LCD display at 1280x960 resolution. A traditional optical mouse was used. All Participants used the same sensitivity and acceleration of the mouse. We used an 1750 Tobii eye-tracker. The sampling data rate is 50Hz (raw eye movement data points every 20 ms); the latency was 20ms and the spatial resolution is 0.25 degrees (0.19cm on the screen) while the height of an item is 0.75 cm. The distance of the users’ eyes from the screen was 65cm. It means that participants can simultaneously focus on 3 items if we consider a fovea of 2 degrees. useful additional information - item width in pixels: - item height in pixels: 19 - separator item height: 9 ----------------------------- details for each column //trial_id a unique id for each trial //date_ms the date of the event in ms -> I suggest to use the column time instead. //date_start_trial the date when the trial starts //date_stop_trial the date when the trial stops (when the user selected an item) //user the user id //block the block id //trial trial id within block //length the length of the menu: 8 - 12 or 16 //organization the organization of the menu: unordered - alphabetic - semantic //item the id of the target item (item that the user has to select) //item_pos the position of the item in the menu (first, second, etc.) item_pos == item for the unordered and alphabetical organizations. However, they are not always equal for the semantic organization. Indeed, semantic organization also have "separator" items. In our data set, each logical groups contain 4 items. So, for a menu with 12 items: item item_pos 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 11 10 12 11 13 12 14 //item_name the name of the target item //mouse_x the position of the mouse on the x axis 0 is the position of the top left corner of the menu //mouse_y the position of the mouse on the y axis 0 is the position of the top left corner of the menu //gazepointx the position of the gaze on the x axis 0 is the position of the top left corner of the menu //gazepointy the position of the gaze on the y axis 0 is the position of the top left corner of the menu //fixationx the position of the fixation on the x axis 0 is the position of the top left corner of the menu //fixationy the position of the fixation on the y axis 0 is the position of the top left corner of the menu //validity_left value given by tobii: validity for the left eye. //validity_right value given by tobii: validity for the right eye. //validity_lr value given by tobii: validity for the left and right eye. //validity_accuracy 1 means that the corresponding trial has all gaze points. I think that I removed all trials with missing gazes //fixation_item I do not know. //date_loc_fix date_loc_gaze I implemented an algorithm to determine when the target item has been localized. the algorithm does not work all the time but it seems that it works quite well //time timestamp; 0 is the beginning of the trial //selection_time it is the selection_time